
ll Christians are called to care for one another in daily living, sharing joys and sorrows Supporting in times of stress and need, offering mutual forgiveness and reconciliation. This care is provided as people interact in community and as they come together in groups for nurture or to carry on ministries of the church.



To Get Involved, Contact Terry Weaver or Cheryl Ragsdale

As a community in Christ, there are many needs and interests reflected in our diverse body. Tertullian tells us a heathen once converted to Christianity because he was impressed by how much they cared for one another, saying “See these Christians, how they love one another.” A popular song from the ‘70’s says, “They’ll know we are Christians by our love.” This Ministry Unit gives us a chance to show our love for each other and to foster our sense of Christian community. In so doing, we find our place in the Body of Christ and are better equipped for our service to God in the world. Responsibilities include:

  • Fellowship Events
  • Small Groups
  • Retreats
  • Member Assimilation & Coordination
  • Congregational Care & Visitation
  • Extended Communion
  • Receptions
  • Stephen Ministry
  • Wellness Programs

Staff:The Associate Pastor for Congregational Life & Mission is the primary resource to the Connect Team

  • Associate Pastor (when present): The Associate Pastor will have primary responsibility for this Ministry Unit. When a need arises and no team is present and coordination of individuals is necessary, and there is no other program staff person responsible, the Associate Pastor will have responsibility for coordinating the team of individuals. In the absence of an Associate Pastor, the Senior Pastor shall assume primary responsibility for this Ministry Unit.
  • Visitation Minister: The Visitation Minister has secondary responsibility for this Ministry Unit, working closely with the Associate Pastor in the fulfillment of his/her duties and informing the pastor(s) of any spiritual needs beyond his/her expertise. The Visitation Minister, while not reporting directly to the Ministry Unit, is expected to work closely with the Congregational Ministry Unit in coordinating care. When a need arises and the pastor(s) are unavailable for whatever reason, the Visitation Minister assumes primary staff responsibility for coordination of ministries.
  • Stephen Ministry Coordinator: This volunteer position coordinates the Stephen Ministers in the congregation. He/she facilitates ongoing training sessions, as well as making and maintaining the caregiver assignments. He/she is expected to work closely with the Associate Pastor, and the Visitation Minister, as necessary.