
“The session and the ruling elders are responsible for providing for the development and supervision
of the educational program of the church and for developing discipleship among members.”


To Get Involved, Contact Zachary Burch, Monica Casey, or Laura Turner.

In the faith community, we strive to become better disciples of Jesus Christ through spiritual growth, studying the Bible and theology together, and passing on the faith to our children through communal learning opportunities. We are committed to growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ, in learning more about our Christian faith, and in infusing our daily lives with the grace of God in Christ Jesus for all of us. The activities of this Ministry Team empower and equip us to do that in community with one another through:

  • Adult Spiritual Formation
  • Student Spiritual Formation
  • Children’s Spiritual Formation
  • Nursery
  • Small Groups

Staff: The Head of Staff is the primary resource to the Grow Team

  • Senior Pastor: The Senior Pastor will have primary responsibility for this Ministry Unit, especially regarding adult spiritual formation.
  • Associate Pastor/Director of Student Ministries (when present): This person will have responsibility for overseeing and resourcing Student Ministries, working with the Student Ministry Team to design, implement, and coordinate all Student Ministry activities. This person will also take an active role in ministering directly to all students and their families.
  • Director of Children’s Ministry: This person is responsible for coordinating and resourcing all Children’s Ministries, working with the Children’s Ministry Team to design, implement, and coordinate all Children’s Ministry activities. This person will be responsible for bringing together people with the gifts and passion for serving our children and their families and for encouraging, equipping, and challenging them to complete short-term and long-term projects with as much passion and energy as possible, while keeping a focus on the larger goal of passing on the faith to our children.