The ways in which believers use God’s gifts of material goods, personal abilities, and time should reflect a faithful response to God’s self-giving in Jesus Christ and Christ’s call to minister to and share with others in the world
To Get Involved, Contact Doug Barbour, or Bill Owen
The Support Team exists to support the vision, ministries, and mission of Second Presbyterian Church by maintaining responsibility for:
- Facilities
- Technology
- Budget & Finance
- Commitment
- Personnel
Staff: The Head of Staff is the primary resource to the Resource Team
- Senior Pastor/Head of Staff: The Senior Pastor/Head of Staff will have primary responsibility for this Ministry Unit and overseeing its day-to-day operations.
- Church Treasurer: While the Church Treasurer is an officer of the congregation and not a paid staff member, the expertise and advice of the Treasurer is necessary to the function of the Budget & Finance Ministry Team. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Budget & Finance Ministry Team to offer guidance, advice, and reporting tools, but shall serve as ex officio and without a vote.
- Church Accountant: The Accountant for the congregation is a resource for the Budget & Finance and Personnel Ministry Teams. The Accountant is not required to attend meetings of these teams but should provide support, information, and reports as needed for these teams to fulfill their mission.
- Church Administrator: The Church Administrator is generally considered Support Staff and not Program Staff. However, due to the nature of this Ministry Unit, the Church Administrator will have many day-to-day dealings with the various individuals involved in the Ministry Teams of the unit. The Church Administrator is, therefore, listed as integral staff to the operation of this unit.